After listening to this original story, introduce the idea of “The Golden Rule” and how you might feel if it was you being treated badly.
Why do you think the dragon is so angry? Why does the dragon change from being angry to being kind and helpful? What does the wise man say to the dragon to make him think about how people will feel if he hurts them verses helping them?
Golden Rule Activity
Split the students into groups of two. Ask each pair a question, such as, “What is one thing you have done recently that demonstrates the Golden Rule?” Ask each student to write down their answer to the question; then talk with their partner about it. After this game, ask students if they noticed any similarities between answers.
Golden Rule Day
Select a day for the class to engage in “Golden Rule Day.” Encourage students to do as many kind things as possible for one another. Afterward, ask students to write down or discuss the kind acts they did throughout the day. Ask students to explain how the acts made them feel afterward, or how it felt to be treated kindly by classmates.
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