In this original story a little bunny learns how to make the right choices all by himself. After listening, introduce the idea and describe what”Makes a good choice”.
In our story, questions to ask are;
- Did Little Bunny’s sister and brother ask him to make poor choices?
- What kinds of things did they do that were poor choices?
- What if someone asked you to do something that was a poor choice? What would you do?
- What consequences happened to the bunny children when their parents found out what they had done?
- In the story, when did Little Bunny finally say no to his brother and sister? Was he right to say no? Why?
Now discuss with the class some of the choices they might have made that day. Examples are, what clothes they wore, what they had for breakfast, to what friend did they play with.
How did the students personal daily choices compare to Little Bunny’s choices?
Other questions to ask about making good choices are;
- Was it safe – Did you use your helmet when you rode your bike? Did you talk to a stranger?
- Was it kind – What if you heard people making fun of someone in your class? Did you join in, or did you let them know that was mean?
- Was it healthy – What was your choice of food to eat for breakfast or lunch?
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