To our wonderful listeners, thank you for your kind words.
We love to hear from our listeners, please say hello and let us know which stories are your favorites!
We Are Grown Ups, but…
I love your original stories that you have created and written, the way you tell them, so please keep them coming. I recommended you to all my friends…and now they are all avid listeners… Just because we are grownups does not mean we cannot settle down to a good story, there’s a child in all of us! Thank you.
My daughter wants to be a storyteller…
Every night for the past one year my daughter has been listening to the wonderful stories told by Alan Scofield on my phone. Even when she’s super tired she needs it even more. So imagine my surprise when last night she tells me she wants to be Alan. I asked Alan who? She said Alan the storyteller. I want to be a storyteller like him. And I said you are already a marvelous storyteller because you use your imagination to weave stories. I just thought of sharing her sweet request with you. Did I mention she’s just turned 6! Just goes on to show how many young hearts and minds your stories are touching. Thanks!
Come Alive
I had to write to tell you what a nice job you do in reading and expressing the different voices and events in the stories. You have a knack for making them come alive. This is something I think we need more of in our lives today… to not be so video-media stimulated and to use our imagination more often.
A lifesaver
I’ve found a lifesaver of a website. This is my best find in months! The Story Home’ stories really do delight and inspire. This is my best find in months! Sometimes I feel like I’ve read every story book in the house to my children 5 times over and now I have something new to captivate them. So I’m very excited about The Story Home.
Good Lessons
I’ve fallen asleep myself because the storytelling is so pleasant and it’s by far the best children’s storytelling I’ve found online so far. We enjoy them all, so it’s impossible to pick a single favorite one. But, I find the ones you’ve written yourself about Little Bunny and Little Mo to be the most original and clever. The rhyming, along with the good lessons and imaginative descriptions in these stories is outstanding. Makes me wonder why you are not self-publishing and selling a print version of these stories on your website.
Grateful Mom
Thank you for bringing your collective talents together to bring peace, happiness and joy for children and adults alike… Thank you and kindest regards, One Very Grateful Mom!
Loving Voice
You have quite a gentle loving voice, that I feel you are my friend. So I thought that I would say “hello.”
My daughter wants to be a storyteller…
Every night for the past one year my daughter has been listening to the wonderful stories told by Alan Scofield on my phone. Even when she’s super tired she needs it even more. So imagine my surprise when last night she tells me she wants to be Alan. I asked Alan who? She said Alan the storyteller. I want to be a storyteller like him. And I said you are already a marvelous storyteller because you use your imagination to weave stories. I just thought of sharing her sweet request with you. Did i mention she’s just turned 6! Just goes on to show how many young hearts and minds your stories are touching. Thanks!
No More Fuss!
I tried: reading books to her before bedtime, children’s meditation CDs, soothing music to help her wind down, and a couple of times– even punishing her. But nothing worked and she’d go down for bed at 8pm and still be fidgeting and restless by 11pm which always left her tired the following morning. And she was also coping with bad dreams now and then.
I was remembering the old radio shows I used to listen to as a kid with all the lights out and how it felt to follow along with those stories in my imagination. My daughter happened to be sitting next to me and I played a clip of one of your stories for her. She loved it and begged to hear more. That’s when I subscribed and it struck me how I could incorporate your free podcasts into her bedtime routine. The new rule is that in order for her to hear Alan’s stories, she needs to lay her head on the pillow and keep her eyes closed when I turn out the lights. Then she says, “I’m ready for Alan at The Story Home, Mom!” and I start the show. Ever since we started this routine, she reports very pleasant dreams and falls asleep in 30 minutes with absolutely no more fuss!
A Simple Tale
Here’s to looking at the stars at night and the moon out your window, listening to a simple tale, falling asleep with crickets and letting your imagination soar with a hope for a better day and happy tomorrow!
My First Storyteller
You remind me of Jim Henson from TV. I remember being at boring places, like shopping with my mother, and I would think of his stories. You have the same endearing qualities that he did. Especially in your intro and exit statements, they are so welcoming that it opens the heart. So even though I am grown now, I think you will have the place with many children as my first Storyteller had with me because you have those qualities.
More Little Bunny!
The rhyming in your stories is done so well and they are told with such great expression. My kindergarten boy listens to them at bedtime. We’d would love to see more of Little Bunny!
Word Comprehension
Listening to Alan creates pictures in my daughter’s mind and strengthens her word comprehension effortlessly, and in record time. You do not dumb the stories down – vocabulary building is a byproduct of all the stories you produce.
Dad Voice
Thanks for being “that soothing Dad voice” that my daughter needs… because a year ago he was taken from her.
Boy Do Your Stories Work
I knew that my 6 year old daughter enjoyed them when…..a week had gone by since we last listened and when I brought the laptop by her bed and before even logging on she says…”and this is Alan your storyteller.”…and boy do your stories work!!! on my very active girl who never wants to go to sleep…
A Family Favorite!
My 3 1/2 year old and I loved the story! We had to pause the recording often so she could talk about the story and ask questions. “The bunny went in time out because he did not listen, right?” My favorite line, as the mom, was that sometimes it is lonely to do the right thing, but you still need to do the right thing. (I’m paraphrasing, it was much more elegantly written.) Anyway, this story has immediately become a family favorite and I know we will listen to it over and over again. I’ve already had a request by my daughter to listen to it again on the way home. Thank you! and I look forward to listening to more stories!
Your biggest fan
Alan’s email reply to her letter just made my daughter, Rianna’s day. She has been beaming with an ear-to-ear smile all day! So has her mom 🙂 Rianna says ‘Thank You Alan for writing to me.’ I intend to make a printout of his note to her and paste it on the fridge to remind all of us to believe in the power of dreams. Thank you Alan for writing to Rianna. She knows most of your stories word to word. I think you may have just earned your biggest fan ever!
Keep on spreading the magic.
One Special Night…
… Little Jacky is nodding off to sleep now after listening to your telling of the Velveteen Rabbit. I use your stories as a treat for both Jacky and I. After a long day at work, dinner and the evening routine of getting Jacky to bed, it is so nice for Rachel or me to relax with our son and one of your stories. Tonight after Alan finished his Mister Rodgers style, soothing story telling: Jacky, after a huge yawn, asked me “Was it true. Do toys really become real?” I thought for a moment and continuing the story’s tone said in a hushed whisper “I’m not sure, but if it does, it is very rare. And then only if the boy really, really loves the toy! Then maybe it does happen.” He looked at me a minute and asked if he could sleep with “Mopsy” tonight. I fished the old stuffed dog out of the toy box and tucked it in with Jacky. Thanks to The Story Home, this one was special night.
Magic, Fantasy and Adventure
We love your original stories the most, like the Emerald Fairy and Magic Story Box….. you seem to know exactly what makes the young kids of today tick…..they love magic, fantasy and adventurous things, but not too scary though! My son likes stories with a calm and gentle loving touch. Thank you for making this available to everyone….God bless
A Night Off
I myself read to them religiously every night but I can’t tell you how lovely it was to find a soothing way to take a night off. Thank you!!!
I want to be a storyteller, too
Every night for the past one year my daughter has been listening to the wonderful stories told by Alan Scofield. Even when she’s super tired she needs it even more. So imagine my surprise when last night she tells me she wants to be Alan. I asked Alan who? She said “Alan the storyteller”. I want to be a storyteller like him. I said, you are already a marvelous storyteller because you use your imagination to weave stories. I just thought of sharing her sweet request with you. Did I mention she’s just turned 6! Just goes on to show how many young hearts and minds your stories are touching, Thanks!